Saturday 20 August 2011


  1. It looks like a port-a-loo, neo-lithic style.

  2. ..or a fruit scone, neo-lithic style

  3. cracker mate !! but normally when you click on it , it only gets slightly larger . click on this one it goes enormous !

  4. Er, don't ask me why it does that, Andy. It doesn't on my computer. Most of these are scanned in at 100 dpi, 500 pixels across. The one of your graddad up the Tower is larger. I scanned them in at the optimum size for the book...which should be ready for production, by my reckoning, in about three years time.

  5. I like this although I have no idea what it is. We don't have cool stuff like this around here.

  6. It's a big lump of stone, Ellen, that was hollowed out about one and a half thousand years ago and would originally have had a Norse wheel cross in it. Or possibly just a cross shaft. Whatever the case, the top bit's now missing, and, to be honest, the bottom bit's got quite a lot of moss growing on it. And mossy bottoms are alway unsightly.

  7. 'Always'. I keep forgetting this isn't Facebook and I can't correct my typos afterwards.

  8. Between you mossy bottom and my thrips, there must be something we can do?

  9. Invest in some industrial strength pesticide?
